Thursday, December 7, 2017

fuel tanker truck refueling truck Instructions and operating

Oil tank truck Instructions and operating 

note1Outlet "1" the handle and the connection pipe is perpendicular, it means that the valve is closed, if they are parallel, it means that the valve is open.
2 Ball valve "2", the handle and connection pipe is perpendicular, it means that the valve is closed, if they are parallel, it means that the valve is open.
3The inlet ball valve for the computer machine "3", the handle and connection pipe is perpendicular, it means that the valve is closed, it they are parallel, it means that the valve is open.
      4The inlet "4" is three way valve, there is a dot at the top of valve, the dot is pointed to the pipe, it means that this pipe is closed.
5There is filter in the three way filter, please often take apart the filter to clean.

1、  出油口1、球阀2、进油口4均保持关闭状态,加油机进油阀门3开启。
2、  打开加油机电源开关
3、  打开驾驶室内取力器开关(启动发动机,变速箱保持空档位置,踩下离合器轻拉取力器开关,然后慢慢松开离合器)。
4、  拿起加油枪开始加油。
Instructions: first ,Steps of using the tanker
           1.  The oil port 1, ball 2, 4 inlet are kept closed, open the valve 3.
           2  Turn on the switch.
           3  Open the cab to take power switch(start the engine, gearbox to maintain neutral position, light clutch pull power switch, and then slowly release the clutch).
           4   Pick up the gun and start refueling .

Second, sucking oil:
1, connector hose connected to the inlet 4
2, small dots at the top edge of inlet 4, it pointed to the direction of valve 2, open valve 2, close outlet valve 1 and inlet valve of dispenser
3, open the power take-off switch in cab (Start the engine, keep gearbox in neutral position, let clutch down and pull power take-off switch, then release clutch slowly).

Mr Ford
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